Calculating Time under the new Interpretation Act On January 1, 2019, British Columbia rolled out a set of revisions to the Interpretation Act. The Interpretation Act is a law about laws – it provides rules that govern how people should read and understand other enactments, including the Family Law Act and the Supreme Court Family Rules that govern much of the court processes of family law. One of the issues covered by the Interpretation Act is the…
Asking a Friend for Legal Advice
You’re at a dinner party chatting with a friend. You remember that this friend is a lawyer, and you just so happen to be moving in with a new partner and considering a cohabitation agreement. You decide to ask your friend if she thinks it would be a good idea to sign an agreement, given that you own your own business and your new partner has three rental properties. It’s understandable; legal questions often…
Can't afford a lawyer to come with you to mediation? Jamal Law Group has a solution for you!
As part of our access to justice regime here at Jamal Law Group, we offer affordable legal services via our own in-house Designated Paralegal, Stephanie Goldminc. Stephanie is able to represent you during your family law mediation for much less than her supervising lawyer, Shahnaz Jamal. Stephanie has 22 years of experience, skills, and training, including hands-on experience at mediations, settlement conferences, Judicial Case Conferences, and Family Case Conferences. The Law Society of BC permits Designated…
The Power of Apology in Family Law
Family lawyers often meet clients when the clients are caught up in anger, hurt, and resentment. These clients are seeking a lawyer’s assistance to resolve the legal issues that have resulted from the breakdown of their relationship, but it can be difficult to help resolve these legal issues when a client is struggling with the emotional effects of their separation or the relationship itself. Often we see parties’ emotions showing through in correspondence and court…
Children's Right to Participate
States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child. For this purpose, the child shall in particular be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child, either directly, or…